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Zedaph's "Zedvancements" are the main focus of his Hermitcraft Season 9. Zedaph aims to collect trophies by completing unique challenges that he has set for himself.

Icon Name Item in Trophy Goal Hermits Involved Progress Episode Started - Finished
SWAB Stuck it with a Bucket Water Bucket Obtain the advancement "Caves and Cliffs", but with a twist: ImpulseSV and TangoTek threw Zedaph a water bucket in midair, which he then had to catch and use to survive the fall.
Complete Episode 1
BWEQ Best Worst Equipment Leather Fully enchant a set of Leather Armor, Wooden Pickaxe, and Wooden Sword, with Armor Trims included Complete Episode 2 - Episode 8, Episode 15,[note 1] Episode 29[note 2]
MNBE Mineral Beacons Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore Create a full beacon out of Coal, Lapis Lazuli, Redstone, Copper, Emerald, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite
[note 3]
Complete Episode 2-Episode 38
THOA The Hall of All Chest Obtain one of all 1149 items obtainable in Survival[note 4] [note 5]
[note 6]
[note 7]
[note 8]
[note 9]
[note 10]
Complete Episode 2-Episode 36
TMMO The Mob Mobile Lead Dangle every possible entity in midair using a Lead[note 11] [note 12]
[note 13]
Complete Episode 3-Episode 38
LDME The Longest Death Message EVER Firework Crossbow Obtain the longest possible Death Message[note 14] [note 15] Complete Episode 4
ITIS I Try I Spy Spyglass Take a picture of every Hermit through a Spyglass without them knowing Successful (Ep. 5, Grade C)
(Ep. 10, Grade B)
(Ep. 16, Grade A+)
(Ep. 16, Grade B)
(Ep. 16, Grade A)
(Ep. 21, Grade B)
(Ep. 25, Grade B)
(Ep. 32, Grade B)
(Ep. 32, Grade A)
(Ep. 32, Grade B)
(Ep. 32, Grade A)
(Ep. 32, Grade A)
(Ep. 37, Grade A)
(Ep. 37, Grade B)
(Ep. 37, Grade B)
(Ep. 37, Grade A)
(Ep. 37, Grade A)


(Ep. 21)
(Ep. 21)
Incomplete (17/21) Episode 5
TMSA The Mob-Stack-All Trophy Have 1 Boat, 4 Striders, 2 Players, and 4 Parrots ride the same minecart Complete Episode 6
IDIE InterDIEmensional Arrow Kill an entity (or yourself) using an arrow that has travelled through both a Nether Portal and End Portal ZedCam Complete Episode 7
PUMP Pumpkémon Collection
(Formerly Pumpkin Honkémons)
Pumpkin Bring back one of each of the 7 types of Villagers with Pumpkin trades Complete Episode 9 - Episode 10
CNCO Conductive Conversion Lightning Rod Strike and convert a Pig, Villager, Red Mooshroom, and Creeper into a Zombified Piglin, Witch, Brown Mooshroom, and Charged Creeper, respectively, using a single lightning strike None Complete Episode 10
IMDE I'm De-Terminated Custom Zedaph head Die at least once to every possible mob, including Passive mobs and an Armor Stand [note 16]
[note 17]
[note 18]
[note 19]
[note 20]
Complete Episode 12 - Episode 33
CACO A Cacophany Music Disc "11" Play every music disc at the exact same time None Complete Episode 12 - Episode 29
TBA The Vinyl Countdown TNT Obtain every possible disc from a single explosion caused by a Skeleton Complete Episode 13
PORC Porcupined Arrow Have 58 arrows stuck inside your body at once Complete Episode 14
TBA I XP'd Myself Green Dye Starting at level 0, obtain 100 levels of XP as fast as possible (1.2s) None Complete Episode 17
TBA Purrfect Presents Phantom Membrane Obtain at least one of all 7 possible gifts from a Cat None Complete Episode 18 - Episode 20
TBA Exploded... Not Stirred None Obtain the advancement "A Furious Cocktail" by having a Charged Creeper explode with all 13 potion effects Complete Episode 18
TBA Awarded For Knothing [sic] Abbreviates to "AFK" Bed Give any advancement while he is AFK[note 21]
Complete Episode 19
TBA Struck Where The Sun Don't Shine Lightning Rod Get killed by Lightning while in the Void (below Y = -64) None Complete Episode 20
TBA Pulled Pork Cooked Porkchop Pull a chain of players riding pigs that are led by other players[note 22]

Complete Episode 22
TBA Perilous Percussion Note Block Play a song[note 23] using Creepers as an instrument Complete Episode 24
DTBD The Deathbed None, as of Episode 30 Die in 10 unique ways as fast as possible using a deathloop involving a Bed Complete (47.2 seconds) Episode 26
TBA A.S.S. Delivery None, as of Episode 30 Breed a sheep in midair and have it reach adulthood before it touches the ground Complete Episode 30
TBA The Noble, Immobile Steed Leather Horse Armor Move as slow as possible on a horse (0.014 blocks/second) by riding the slowest possible horse backwards through cobwebs with a Potion of the Turtle Master II active Complete Episode 31-Episode 36
TBA What A Fall! Anvil Fall from 4507 blocks and survive while still taking damage Complete Episode 35


  1. Between Zedaph's Season 9: Episode 14 and Episode 15, the Hermitcraft server was updated to 1.19, forcing Zedaph to add the new "Swift Sneak" enchantment to the leggings.
  2. The Hermitcraft server updated to 1.20 before Episode 28, thus Zedaph had to add Netherite Ingot Armor Trim to the Leather Armor. Zedaph chose to use a full set of "Coast" armor trims.
  3. Temporarily provided full ownership of a Netherite Beacon, thus Zedaph technically did have a full Netherite beacon
  4. Some items do have multiple variants, but for the sake of the Zedvancement, all variants are classified as one item, as long they all share the same internal ID. For example, the Extended Splash Potion of Weakness and Splash Potion of the Turtle Master II WOULD be classified as the same item, since the ID for both items is minecraft:splash_potion. However, Red Wool and Cyan Wool would NOT be classified as the same item, since their IDs are minecraft:red_wool and minecraft:cyan_wool respectively.
  5. Provided: minecraft:deepslate_emerald_ore, minecraft:goat_horn
  6. Provided: minecraft:dragon_egg
  7. Helped save Zedaph's frog after Zedaph accidentally dangled it in the pit of the Nether Hub, allowing Zedaph to obtain his Froglights
  8. Provided: minecraft:dead_bush, minecraft:mojang_banner_pattern, minecraft:nether_star, minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull
  9. Provided: minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta, minecraft:warped_hyphae, minecraft:stripped_crimson_hyphae, minecraft:beacon
  10. Provided: minecraft:potion, minecraft:acacia_boat, minecraft:trident
  11. While there are more than 27 entities can be attached to a leash, they are excluded due to various reasons. This list, and their reasons, are as follows: Axolotl, Glow Squid, and Squid, as they would die out of water; Chicken Jockey, Llama, Red Mooshroom, and Skeleton Horseman, as the Chicken, Trader Llama, Brown Mooshroom, and Skeleton Horse have already been fulfilled; Hoglin, since they transform into Zoglins in the Overworld; and Zombie Horse, since it is unobtainable in vanilla survival.
  12. Helped create and dangle the mule
  13. Unintentionally killed the cow and was forced to hang up a new one, before it was killed again
  14. Zedaph went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [a rocketbow Zed made for the longest death message] by a poor piglin who was going about their normal day
  15. GoodTimeWithScar went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [a rocketbow Zed made for the longest death message] by a poor piglin who was going about their normal day
  16. Let Zedaph die to the Strays in his farm as well as his Wolves
  17. Let Zedaph die to the Guardians in her farm, later helped Zedaph die to the Allay by giving it Thorns armor as it wouldn't work if Zedaph was the one to do that
  18. Let Zedaph die to the Drowned in his farm
  19. The first player to kill Zedaph in Season 9, during his experimentation for The Longest Death Message EVER
  20. Assisted in 10 of the final 15 deaths
  21. Zedaph chose to do the advancements You Need a Mint, A Furious Cocktail, Cover Me In Debris, Serious Dedication, and Great View From Up Here.
  22. e.g. Zedaph drags a pig being ridden by Pixlriffs, who is dragging a pig ridden by Grian via lead, etc.
  23. In this particular case, Zedaph chose to use 1812 Overture by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a song known for its use of artillery cannons as an instrument.