Hermitcraft Wiki

Stat Poker is a recurring minigame on the Hermitcraft server, appearing in both official and unofficial capacities during multiple seasons and even crossing the server boundary during the Rift crossover event.

The game has been played many times, both on and off camera, and several Hermits have praised the game as being one of their favorites. The game has an element of strategy over standard poker, being knowledge of what your opponents tend to spend their time doing in Minecraft, and therefore what their stats are likely to be.

Season 7[]

In season 7, the Stat Poker building was a small wild west saloon containing a poker table, built by TangoTek and EthosLab in the Shopping District. The game was played as follows:

Round Start

  • The machine inserts a piece of paper into the Shulker Box listing a random statistic
  • A randomized Glowstone Lamp in the wall dictates whether players are betting they have the highest value, or the lowest
  • Players buy into the round (or "Ante Up") with a set amount of diamonds, or fold (opt out of the round)

Call, Raise, or Fold

As in regular poker, after the stat has been chosen, players can bet a certain number of diamonds that they have the highest (or lowest) value in the chosen statistic. Players can either:

  • Call (Match the leading player's bet with diamonds of their own)
  • Raise (Bet higher than the leading player, forcing them to call or fold)
  • Fold (Cut their losses and drop out of the round)
  • Bluff (Despite having a bad stat, raise the bet in an attempt to force the other players into folding without having to reveal your stat)

Once the bet has stopped rising, and all players have either called or folded, players reveal their statistics, and the player with the highest (or lowest) number takes all the diamonds in the pot. If multiple players have identical stats, they split the diamonds between them.

Recorded Games
Participants Ante Winner Video
Etho: Gravel

Tango: Gunpowder

Etho EthoTango
Etho: Gravel

Tango: Gunpowder

Tango EthoTango
Diamonds Zedaph TangoZedaph
Diamonds Cubfan Hypno
Diamonds Xisuma, Scar Xisuma
Diamonds Keralis Keralis
Diamonds BdoubleO TangoKeralis

Season 9[]

In Season 9, the minigame was rebuilt by Cubfan135 in the basement of the Hermitsonian Museum. To access the minigame, players must remove the correct book from one of the Museum's many bookshelves, revealing a secret door. The game is played much the same as it was in season 7, minus the "Highest or lowest" indicator.

No known games have been recorded.

Impromptu Games[]

In the absence of a dedicated building, a much simpler version of Stat Poker has been played on several occasions.

The rules are as follows:

  • Players buy in with a single diamond
  • A round leader is chosen, clockwise or counterclockwise from the previous round's leader
  • The round leader chooses a stat they think they have more of than the other players
  • The other players reveal their value in the chosen stat, and the winner takes the diamonds

This impromptu version is notable as one of the minigames to be played between members of both servers during the Empires SMP Crossover.

The following list is incomplete or missing data.

Recorded Games
Participants Location Winner Video
Season 8 Game ended prematurely ImpulseSV Stream

Scar Short


2 other participants

Season 9, Empires SMP