Modsauce Season 1 was a mod pack designed for the Hermits played on in 1.7.10. This pack was released on the ATLauncher. The opening episode shows it being played by Biffa2001, Hypnotizd, iJevin, Jessassin, KingDaddyDMAC, Marriland, MumboJumbo, Pungence, Sl1pg8r, Spumwack, TinFoilChef, Xisumavoid, and Zueljin.
Shortly after the first episodes, Topmass and ZombieCleo joined the server.
During the early days, KingDaddyDMAC sets up in a small hill and creates a basic tinker's construct set-up and proceeds to tell everyone that they can feel free to use it, and of course this goes upside-down by several people immediately moving into the tiny hole in the hill with him. Shortly after this it is realized that there is an open clearing behind the hill where everyone starts to set up there starter bases.
The season kicked off with relatively positive reactions. For most of the Hermits, the modded was something fun to do, but they did not play on the server for a long time. Unfortunately only 8 of the 15 made to episode 35 or greater, while only 3 made it to episode 50 or greater: Sl1pg8r with 72, KingDaddyDMAC with 109, and Jessassin with 53. Since the Hermits were better known for their vanilla worlds, it was common with their modded series to not make as many episodes.
Adventures Throughout The Series[]
Hermit | Details | |
Biffa2001 | Modsauce videos are private. | |
FalseSymmetry | ||
Hypnotizd | ||
iJevin | iJevin starts the pack off in his first episode by doing a small tour with Jessassin before going into the Zelda part of the modpack, which of course includes a very good demo of how not to handle a bomb. After that, iJevin starts to set up his starter base with his Tinker's Smeltery, where he also first starts to go into Advanced Genetics to get the early game flight from bat DNA. Once he achieves his flight, iJevin sets off to find a new spot for a permanent base where he can go further into the Genetics mod and can start up his AE2 system. Once iJevin locates and starts to build his base, he realizes he needs something: an airship to fly around in style. However, he is lacking the resources to do so. So he sets up a quarry in the mining dimension. After building his first airship, iJevin gets the thrill and hunger for a bigger airship, so as one naturally does, he makes a giant pig airship named pPigathy. iJevin says a few times he's not here to look in KingDaddyDMAC's things, but he does multiple times to 'borrow items.' | |
Jessassin | ||
JoeHills | ||
Juicetra | ||
Keralis | ||
KingDaddyDMAC | ||
Monkeyfarm | ||
MumboJumbo | MumboJumbo starts off the server with the basics, setting up a starter base, a Tinker's Smeltery, and spooning by making 9 furnaces. After this, MumboJumbo realizes that to continue in this pack, strip mining is not the modded way, so as he does, he sets up a quarry right underneath his base in the spawn area. He first powers the quarry under his base with Sterling generators before realizing that making a wind farm is much easier to maintain. Once the first quarry is finished, MumboJumbo gets some gifts from KingDaddyDMAC, including a DNA flying syringe, a lava generator, and a lava tank. Then MumboJumbo goes to mining dimension to start a large quarry, where he gets enough resources to make an Atomic Disassembler and Digital Miner. With the new resources coming in, he decides to fly out looking for a new space for his permanent base, which is shortly named by a viewer the MumboJumboJumboBase. At his new base he sets up a Big Reactor, ore tripling, and an auto-snowball farm. His series ends with him going on an End and Nether adventure. | |
Pungence | ||
Skyzm | ||
Sl1pg8r | ||
Spumwack | Modsauce videos are private. | |
TinFoilChef | ||
Topmass | ||
xBCrafted | ||
Xisumavoid | ||
ZombieCleo | ||
Zueljin |
Appeared but only streamed[]
Hermit | Details | |
Marriland |