Hermitcraft Wiki
JoeHill's Nether Base

JoeHills' Season 7 Nether Base is a build in the nether by JoeHills. It is laregly situated around a Warped Wart forest where the nether portal to the Strait of Joebraltar connect to. From here, the player flies through the center of two "@" signs which will direct them towwards the Season 7 Nether Hub.

Soul Camps[]

The base also has a stairway which leads to four soul camps, which are outposts at important parts of the nether. All the camps have chests with some materials vital for surviving, a respawn anchor and a sould flame, which gives them their name. Soul Camp Alpha is situated in a warped wart forest outside of the main nether area to allow for extensive harvesting. Soul Camp Bravo is in a crimson forest and Soul Camp Charlie is in a soul sand desert. Finally, Soul Camp Delta has a close proximity to a nether fortress where JoeHills constructed a farm to collect blaze rods for making potions.
