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PRANKS, PROFITS, AND PARTNERSHIPS! is ImpulseSV's fifty-fourth episode of Season 9. It was uploaded on April 13, 2023.


Back in the Impyre, ImpulseSV notices a statue of GeminiTay on his bridge, between his statues, which have been given mohawks, mustaches, and googly eyes. He makes up his mind to pay these pranks back, working in the meantime while he schemes up ideas. He checks his profits in iBuy and iEnchant, collecting 399 diamonds in one fell swoop. He also checks iLuminate, where he has absolutely not added every lighting source in the game. He is also out of most lights, and low on the rest. He continues to neglect his shops, though, in favour of building the third floor in iBuy. He uses a teal and tan theme for the floor pattern, primarily utilizing variations of prismarine, copper, and iron. For the walls and ceiling he uses the same style as the other floors, with mainly calcite and dark oak trapdoors. Once he finishes, Xisumavoid stops by with a few questions about iBuy. He wonders if he might use some of the space, and ImpulseSV explains that he build the entire third floor specifically for Xisumavoid. He has left the entire interior design up to Xisumavoid (excluding the floor).

Inspired by the Super Mario Bros. movie, ImpulseSV builds a large statue of Mario atop the piranha plant that GeminiTay built in PearlescentMoon’s alien landscape; this is payback for the vandalism of his dwarf statues. Next, as payback for GeminiTay’s statue along his bridge, he makes tons of banners with his “i” logo and sprinkles them around McKenzie. He also replaces some blocks with his classic yellow, and adds small statues of himself with his beard guarding her elven castle. Within the Impyre, he explains that his sorting system has been broken until recently, so his shulker monsters have grown. However, he recently fixed the redstone, and now can finally send his shulkers through the system to be broken down and sorted.

Video Description[]

Today we constuct floor 3 of iBuy and partner with Xisuma to sell his goods. Then we do a quick check of our shop profits before pranking our neighbors.
