The Big Eyes Crew is a group of Hermits in Season 8 consisting of BdoubleO100, Keralis and TangoTek. Their aim is to set up a hugely successful business, and they have settled in a spruce forest in the north-east of the island.
On a promontory north of the Big Eye Shopping District
A medieval-inspired house built of calcite and dark oak. Most of the build is dedicated to selling Copper and Candles, but TangoTek himself lives downstairs.
Spider Spawner
Near Tango's Base
Simple Spawner-based spider farm. Used by TangoTek to trick BdoubleO100 into dying.
Big Eye Storage System
West of the Big Eye Shopping District
Large mountain built by BdoubleO100. Contains a troll by the name of FiFi the Destroyer and an automatic storage system, both built by TangoTek, who also has plans to make it his megabase.