MuMbO jUmBo
Grian is a close second
@MarshmallowDog4.8 How do you know it was his car? I don't think he would do a "car reveal"
I recently made a bunch of fan templates to put on your userpage (I did one for all the active hermits), so I just wanted to link them. They're all under Category: Hermit Fan Templates, so feel free to use them on your userpage!
It's on the 13th (Thursday).
Magic Mountain is going to be turned into a volcano, so as more of the inside is blow up our map of the residents will become more and more inaccurate. As far as my understanding went, the current image is the seed map with custom locations marked on it. How are we going to fix this?
It did, check out Mogswamp's latest vid.
This isn't entirely hermitcraft-related, but SmallishBeans is also in the SOS SMP, and Mogswamp hosted a talent show and smallishbeans and someone else (they had etho's skin on) did a play about how obsessed etho and smallishbeans are with each other and it was sooo funny!
I would be kinda akward, because I'm socially akward irl, and the hermits are all almost 30 (pearl is the youngest, and she's turning 28 this year). I would probably be a better fit with the lifesteal smp or the outcasts, since they're closer to my age range (spoke is 17, just a few years older than me and tazoh is around the same age range). Me becoming friends with a 30 year old is extremly unlikely, I can barely talk to on of my cousins who is 23.
I only watched them from Grian's perspective, but the "spin around 10 times" was so funny XD
Like I've been noticing that the hermits haven't been meeting a lot in the past 10 episodes, other that Mumbo's bed bombing and Etho and Joel. Does anyone think that the hermits are kinda bored? Like Grian and Mumbo have been completely focused on their own shops, and Scar is kinda socializing less than he normally does. Like in Grians 2nd or 3rd episode, a entire quarter of the server was fishing together.
Hi! I'm also on the KoTLC wiki, I thought I saw your username somewhere before I read your post.
I would build a tower with Scar (he made a ore tower so he has experiance.)
Knarfy - his humor would really go with grian and gem. He's not really the buider type, but it would be funny to see him build. Cubehamster should rejoin too.
Is mumbo playing with those cables attached in hermitcraft now or is he playing with shift with his thumb? I didn't notice any clues in mumbo and grian's episodes, so asking here.
Yes, but I wouldn't fit in well. First, I'm still a teen, and everyone in Hermitcraft is in their 20s or more, and second, I can't megabase (that's basicaly a reccuring them in hermitcraft). I can do redstone quite well (not like mumbo obv, but I am obsessed with designing doors and redstony farms [which use redstone stuff to work]. I'm also better at redstone than Grian *lol*). I also can't spend that much time because of school and stuff, so I would basically appear only twice a week instead of 5 times a week like most hermits do.
I'm subscribed to Mumbo and Grian, but I occasionaly watch Scar's vids to see his pov, cause he's funny.
Even Mumbo's episode is out now.
@Finnodile The copper golem thing isn't really true. Copper golems press buttons, and can move. If you wanted a random button picker, a copper golem would be much better than some huge circuit with droppers.
Also the copper golem thing will be satisfied in 1.21 thanks to the breeze (it can interact with redstone).
Cost effective I don't think so - you need packed ice to match elytra speed. And you need to dig a lot in the nether [I'm assuming that it's in the nether because building ice highways in the overworld is useless unless you use blue ice, which is also expensive], which will get you tool's durablity down. It's good for long term long distance, but otherwise elytras are better.