The mod is called "Armor Poser", but it originates as the vanilla tweaks datapack "Armor Statues"
We welcome you here! The wiki still receives plenty of updates daily! While the posts on the wiki itself seem kinda quiet, the discord server is used as the semi-active chatting place and to coordinate/ask questions.
It doesn't actually seem like he did, Grian just came up with new titles that had included iskall
I don't think I have singular favourite. Tango's streams are amazing, Keralis and SmallishBeans are amazing builders, Stressmonster just makes me smile with her accent & way of speaking, then ZombieCleo and Falsesymmetry are very sarcastic which i like and if i want something silly there's Joehills and Iskall . Each hermit is my favourite for different reasons!
I believe Grian stated at the start of the season that he wants to take things slowly. Also liking buildings is a very subjective thing. I personally really like the slow pace and feeling around his base!
Theres a button "View starter deck contents" under the buy button which lets you see all the deck infos
I don't think the Hermit's are bored. there just hasnt been bigger meetings in the videos. Early game is always known for more interacting, as people are trying to gear up and build up relationships for the season. Regardless, the hermits still interact with each other. Iskall regularly still meets up Stress, Etho interacts with others in his videos. Also theres been hermits who are sick, preparing for the charity stream, going on a vacation etc. its just a quiet time now.
I doubt he had the cables, Personally it just felt like a fun video concept he had in mind as a one off thing
Would i be interested in joining for a day to tour around and possibly interact with the hermits? Yes absolutely
Would I want to become an official member? probably not. There's couple reasons. Im in no form a content creator so i would have no idea how to make videos. also id feel such imposter syndrome being amongst such great builders.
You mean who have been part of hermitcraft the longest? Xisuma and Hypnotizd, both have been there from the start, then would be JoeHills, joined on the 2nd week of s1 as the first recruit.
I would think that tango and impulse would be on that list too, both have quite old children
Doc has posted a lot of stuff on twitter, he has had a lot of personal stuff come up, mainly his wife getting covid and him taking care of doccy etc.
I'd see it very unlikely. Xisuma has done an amazing job with his work. but technically the whole server is co-lead, each hermit bounces ideas of each other etc
Every new hermit brings something new to the server and with Grian, it's the shenanigans and the playfulness. Other's bring technical knowledge and building skills