So essentially…
I havent watched Xisuma in a while and I saw his latest video and decided to watch it because it seemed interesting.
So… is it kind of just a themed thing or is the man himself back?
So essentially…
I havent watched Xisuma in a while and I saw his latest video and decided to watch it because it seemed interesting.
So… is it kind of just a themed thing or is the man himself back?
46 Votes in Poll
I'm guessing Bdubs, Xisuma, Hypnotizd, and Keralis.
I remember that in a certain video, xisumavoid along with evilX exploited villager trades so that they never got out of stock.
I need to use that exploit but can't remember in which episode of season 8 did that happen.
I am pretty sure you are more nerdier than me (no offence pls) and might have known the episode number. So could you pwease help? :pleading_face:
On Xisuma’s new video (who will be next? On hermitcraft season 9) it goes to a black screen for less than a second at the end. If you screenshot it and adjust the contrast, it reveals the date 19/02/22!
Because this is a video about hermitcraft season 9, it might be when the new season starts! Also, he said in the video that HC season 9 is starting soon. No promises tho, it’s just something I saw. :)
Let me know what u think!!
Edit: I’ve done some more research and apparently a hermitcraft member says that this date may not be exact, it is just a possibility. Sorry :(
We don’t talk about Evil X
Xisuma: we don’t talk about Evil no no no,
We don’t talk a bout Evil,
It was a normal day
Th3pooka: (it was a normal day)
Xisuma: Getting the shops ready and there isn’t a mob in the night,
Th3pooka: (no mobs anywhere in sight)
Xisuma: Evil walks in, with a mischievous grin.
Th3pooka: Thunder!
Xisuma: you telling this story or am I?
Th3pooka: I’m sorry Xisuma go on.
Xisuma: Evil says here to stay.
Th3pooka: (why did he tell us?!)
Xisuma: he says he’ll make the hermits pay
Th3pooka: (but listen here fellas!)
Xisuma: but not in the expected way!
Wants to become a
Both: we don’t talk about Evil, no no no,
We don’t about Evil!
Zombiecleo: Hey!
Grew to be suspicious of Evil's jittering and rumbling,
I can always hear him sorta muttering and mumbling,
I associate him with the sound of fallling coins,
Tink! Tink! Tink!
Got a heavy voice with a glare so crumbling,
Always left me with the prices fumbling, meddling in plans that I couldn’t understand,
How could I understand?
Docm77: Two-block frame,
Lightning in his tracks,
When he calls your name,
It all Fades to black!
Yeah he sees your dreams
And feasts on your screams!
All: Hey!
We don’t talk about Evil, no no no,
We don’t talk about Evil!
IJevin: he told me to follow the slime,
The next day, green!
All: no, no!
VintageBeef: he sent me a canister,
Now look in the screen!
Xisuma: he said that all my stocks would disappear,
Now look where he’s been!
All: your fate is sealed when he wipes your chests clean!
Xisuma: He told me that the evil empire would be a terrific success.
He showed me that it really did pay off despite all the stress.
Grian: hey X the moon is on its way!
ZombieCleo: he told me that the derpcoin would be
the supreme currency,
high above all others!
It’s like I hear him now…
Evil X: Hey X, I want not sound out of you!
Zombiecleo: I can hear him now!
Fan fiction writers: um, Evil,
Yeah about that Evil,
I really need to know about Evil,
Give me the truth and the whole truth Evil!
Docm77: Xolotl, the moon is here!
All: time for Nether!
(All singing on top of each other)
He’s gone!
Xisuma: don’t talk about Evil!
Fanfic writers: why did I talk about Evil?
Xisuma: not a word about Evil!
Fanfic writers: never should have brought up Evil X!
My theory on the moon crash is this: since xisumavoid was the admin of hermitcraft AND he has an evil alter ego, there's no way it could have possibly not been evil xisuma, he must have casted something that caused the moon to crash, and since the admin of the hermitcraft server was xisuma, evil xisuma could have been the OP; the hermitcraft server fell victim to evil xisuma AGAIN
Any thoughts?
Also this channel has tons of videos like this…
In Xisuma's episode "introducing derpcoin™" , when Evil X is watching TV and dragon bros comes on, I noticed something. He says man I wish I were a dragon bro but look at this pic below.
46 Votes in Poll
I need to know so I can burn powder snow
Xisumavoid posted a video on his second channel (xisumatwo). Explaining about the new hermitcraft public server.
The IP:
This IP will work for both Java and Bedrock
Make sure to watch the video on xisumavoid's second channel (xisumatwo) about the public server to understand how the server will work.
The video:
So Xisuma made quite a few episodes where he revisits old seasons. For example, in his Episodes 250 and 251, he goes back and explores Season 1. My question is, should these videos be catalogued in his Season 1 episodes (or whatever season he is revisiting) or his Season 2 episodes (or whatever season was happening at the time of the video's publication). I noticed JL did some of these and added them onto his Season 1, but I think that since they were published during Season 2, they should be categorized as Season 2. But I want to know what everyone else thinks before I decide which one to go with in the future.
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