The comments was mostly like this-
The comments was mostly like this-
I convinced my younger sister that I joined Hermitcraft.
It all started when she saw me playing on the archived downloadable map of Season 8. She was confused as to why I was in creative mode, so I told her that after the season ends, every hermit gets creative mode so they can play around. Later, when I joined the Underground Antics server, she saw me playing it and asked if that was Hermitcraft. I said it was Season 9 and she really wanted to see Grians base. I told her I didn't know where it was. When Dave (the owner of the server) joined, she was confused as to why it said he was the owner, and she almost caught on, but luckily I was able to convince her it was normal. In the plot world (every player gets an allocated creative plot), I said it was the private server. Using /back would take you to where you died, but apparently that command is "vanilla" and you can choose to have it in the server (at least that's what the wiki says, but since that BDY guy took over its been full of misleading info.
I'm so cheeky.
I'll go first, the first season I finished was Season 8. Season 9 is also pretty cool too. I find it funny that despite the tropical and relaxed theme, everyone was making urban businesses
The names of 17 creators, from hermitcraft, are hidden within this grid. There is one catch though—you won't know who you're supposed to be looking for until you solve the clues:
I'm currently on a hiatus
My (user)name starts with an X, to find the final letter of my name, look at a version of the English alphabet that is written backwards (z-a), and it's the 23rd letter.
You know me, I'm SagittariusDave, and Dave is short for my real name David.
I have four words in my name, but in this grid you'll only find the one that refers to me.
Cyber Creeper, nice to meet yer
o7 🕊️🖤💙
My timelaspe song is: Jules Gaia - Breakfast
Bow down to my feet 👑
The test paper consisted of a TnF question. TnF stands for True&...
If I was American it'd be W-X-Y-Zee, but if I was British it'd be W-X-Y...?
In ornithology, the scientific name "Ara macao" belongs to...
Snow White and the seven...?
I'm always shocked. 😱😲
I can't see! AHHH!!! Everything is red. But that doesn't stop me from doing crazy things 😎.
In season 8, I collabed with Gem, we made a modern shop. Near a giant egg.
I am exceptionally skilled at something everyone else finds to be so difficult. All it takes is a special book, a mannequin, my brain, items, and blocks.
38 Votes in Poll
My friend showed me this the other day, and wanted to show it to the members of the hermitcraft fandom. I instantly loved it, and it really pulls on the heartstrings
*me nor my frend made this*
49 Votes in Poll
Just asking since he hasn't uploaded a lot of hc since s8 and only has 12-13 ash season 8 episodes to his name. I don't know.Wha do you think about this
We don’t talk about Evil X
Xisuma: we don’t talk about Evil no no no,
We don’t talk a bout Evil,
It was a normal day
Th3pooka: (it was a normal day)
Xisuma: Getting the shops ready and there isn’t a mob in the night,
Th3pooka: (no mobs anywhere in sight)
Xisuma: Evil walks in, with a mischievous grin.
Th3pooka: Thunder!
Xisuma: you telling this story or am I?
Th3pooka: I’m sorry Xisuma go on.
Xisuma: Evil says here to stay.
Th3pooka: (why did he tell us?!)
Xisuma: he says he’ll make the hermits pay
Th3pooka: (but listen here fellas!)
Xisuma: but not in the expected way!
Wants to become a
Both: we don’t talk about Evil, no no no,
We don’t about Evil!
Zombiecleo: Hey!
Grew to be suspicious of Evil's jittering and rumbling,
I can always hear him sorta muttering and mumbling,
I associate him with the sound of fallling coins,
Tink! Tink! Tink!
Got a heavy voice with a glare so crumbling,
Always left me with the prices fumbling, meddling in plans that I couldn’t understand,
How could I understand?
Docm77: Two-block frame,
Lightning in his tracks,
When he calls your name,
It all Fades to black!
Yeah he sees your dreams
And feasts on your screams!
All: Hey!
We don’t talk about Evil, no no no,
We don’t talk about Evil!
IJevin: he told me to follow the slime,
The next day, green!
All: no, no!
VintageBeef: he sent me a canister,
Now look in the screen!
Xisuma: he said that all my stocks would disappear,
Now look where he’s been!
All: your fate is sealed when he wipes your chests clean!
Xisuma: He told me that the evil empire would be a terrific success.
He showed me that it really did pay off despite all the stress.
Grian: hey X the moon is on its way!
ZombieCleo: he told me that the derpcoin would be
the supreme currency,
high above all others!
It’s like I hear him now…
Evil X: Hey X, I want not sound out of you!
Zombiecleo: I can hear him now!
Fan fiction writers: um, Evil,
Yeah about that Evil,
I really need to know about Evil,
Give me the truth and the whole truth Evil!
Docm77: Xolotl, the moon is here!
All: time for Nether!
(All singing on top of each other)
He’s gone!
Xisuma: don’t talk about Evil!
Fanfic writers: why did I talk about Evil?
Xisuma: not a word about Evil!
Fanfic writers: never should have brought up Evil X!
Do you think Scar will build the giant village on clouds he was planning to do in season 8 in season 9? Or will he start a brand new idea? He said on stream at the start of season 8 he already had ideas of a season 9 base.
So I have had some trouble in the past with world downloads. I tried to download the S7 map (I play bedrock btw) and was unsuccessful. I tired everything looking up stuff on YouTube and asking other for help. However I still can’t seem to get it working for this seasons. map either so I was wondering if anyone who plays bedrock has been successful with downloading the maps and if you have any tips on what to do?
Mine are the clock heists by Keralis and Pearl.
My theory on the moon crash is this: since xisumavoid was the admin of hermitcraft AND he has an evil alter ego, there's no way it could have possibly not been evil xisuma, he must have casted something that caused the moon to crash, and since the admin of the hermitcraft server was xisuma, evil xisuma could have been the OP; the hermitcraft server fell victim to evil xisuma AGAIN
Thought I'd share that impulseSV streamed about Season 8 and - at least some - of the backend story of it. This isn't meant to advertise - but we have a source on all these things now :D
Once it's on YouTube, I'll paste a link - but for now you can see it at https://www.twitch.tv/impulsesv. This sounds so much like an advertisement, but there's been so many discussions about Season 8 ending and Season 9. :D
Why did hermitcraft 8 get shutdown?
Still excited for s9, or whatever happens next
Okay, I feel like there just has to be more than just the minecraft world ending... I originally thought it was Evil X at first, but his goal was to become the richest Hermit in the server if I'm correct. But what if it's the other bad guy? I forgot their name, but I'm talking about the person the hermits fight in like season 1. He seems strong, so could he have been the one who pushed the moon into the earth???