CascabelaTheLeafWonk·9/28/2024in PollsDo You All Think Tango Should Make Decked Out, But With Minecraft's New Mob?OMG yes!Sure, why not?EhNo.What's Decked Out?Vote40 Votes in PollTangoTekDecked OutDecked Out 2
BayarR·8/13/2022in GeneralAre you excited for Season 2 of Decked Out?YesNoVote31 Votes in PollDecked Out
BeAGamerr·11/6/2021in GeneralDecked Out maintenance tutorial.Hi, I wanted to know if there is any maintenance tutorial for Tango's season 7 Decked Out game. i couldn't find anything online.Season 7TangoTekDecked Out
Aryans468·8/31/2020in GeneralWhich mini game is your favouriteTreasure Island lvl 2 Bullseye (Targét)Decked out (in progress)Open Sesame (Targét)Castle Défense (Targét)OthersVote46 Votes in PollHermitsSeason 7Iskall's Treasure IslandDecked Out