Mumbo Jumbo you are AFK
I'm gonna take that mustache away!
Mumbo Mumbo Mumbo AFK!
I'm gonna take that mustache away!
That was season 6 episode 3. So long ago..
Mumbo Jumbo you are AFK
I'm gonna take that mustache away!
Mumbo Mumbo Mumbo AFK!
I'm gonna take that mustache away!
That was season 6 episode 3. So long ago..
I discovered HC while S9 was towards it's end, and proceeded to binge all Grian's episodes from S6-S9, by the time I got to 9 it was finished, I honestly cannot imagine being there while season 6 was being made, it feels like a long time since I watched those, let alone people who saw them when they came out,
(Ik I'm missing out on a hecc of a lot by only watching one perspective, I've tried, the other perspectives just don't hold my attention over hundreds, I do watch around a third of the hermits in the current season tho)
^I also watched only grian's episodes because he really makes hermitcraft interesting. LIke there was 5 years of hermitcraft being a chill place and then grian joins and there is a prank civil war.
Yea, I didn't really watch the seasons before S6 because of just how daunting it is to binge that many episodes,
I've tried with hermits that give similar vibes or are close to Grian like Scar and Mumbo, or even Doc, who I love to watch in S10, but I got tired of it after only a few episodes, even when I tried watching in S6, it just didn't keep my attention
Grian was the only one that I could watch for hours straight without getting bored, every single one of his episodes are interesting and quirky, he may not have as much of an impact now as he did in S6, but he deffo was the one that started the ball rolling down the hill, and now more and more people have grown into that chaotic, fun feeling rather than just generic survival minecraft where you make builds with friends
Granted Grian is still the start of most large things, but not as many things per season as in S6 (coff coff, mycelium resistance, crossover lore, exploding magic mountain)
^don't forget tag
Yea, and he basically started the whole thing with the permits
What do you think?