Hi, I'm Rosie/Minerva246. I'm a Make-a-Wish kid who was welcomed onto the server on 15 November 2023. I was greeted by Scar, Pearl and Cleo and later met with Grian, Tango, Cub and Jevin. I had the privilege to explore parts of Scarland and I got an early sneak peek into Adventureland before it was shown in one of Scar's videos. A small BTS, Scar stated that he placed the trees in a way that would block any view of the Perimeter flag.
I mentioned in Pearl's stream on 18 December that I loved being her partner in crime. Grian had just joined us in Scarland and after a brief moment decided to show off the 23 frost shards he had accumulated by scattering them on the ground for all to see. Pearl swiped them quickly and passed them to me and we threw them between the two of us for a minute while Grian tried to snipe us with his trident.
We decided to next fly over to Decked Out which is when I met with Tango. He presented me the pink shulker box that now sits in Rosie's camp. While we looked inside I overheard Scar mention how OP it was so I told him, "If you get me a book and quill I'll leave you in my will, to get my box once I leave." He scrambled to find one quickly but ultimately I renamed the book because we couldn't find one, that book now resides in Scar's DO room. A moment later, Jevin flew in and threw to me a feather and ink sac from his most recent kill.
I ended up playing two rounds of DO, in the first run, I quickly died to Ravanger #25, which made Jevin lose his bet on me dying to Nugget. The second run I got Papa K's slippers, they now hang in Pearl's DO room, and once out I used the 11 or 12 frost embers I got to buy a tome, also in Pearl's DO room. When I got into the Winners room at the end of the game I wrote on Pearl's sign "ROSIE - THE OTHER AUSSIE :)".