-Have a channel????? dont think this is required but all the fulltime hermits have channels
-Get a hermit to add you. Basically suck up to someone.
-Be a Make-a-Wish patient (highly recommended approach)
-Be very colloquial and cultural (Aussies must build upside down and say mate, Brits say "jolly good" "chuffed to bits" etc and preferably should be blonde, and Americans must be annoying, goofy, or silly)
-Marry Keralis (highly recommended approach)
-Almost never swear (at least, on camera ;D)
-Play minecraft (duh)
-Be hired by Mojang after your first season and leave (highly reliable approach)
-Go mining with Juicetra
-Kidnap Maui, Pearl, Jellie or any other beloved pets and ransom a whitelisting on the server (guaranteed success)