After this wiki was adapted by me, I started to do some housekeeping stuff. Deleting images,pages ect. I also enabled some features like: Forum and Achievments.
Im making a call for any reader if your being interested in a administrator role on this wiki, contact (talk page) And well see what are yiur abilities and that stuff.
- Head Moderator (Taken) Job: Incharge of everything.
- Admin: Same as Content Mod, but have more abilities.
- Content Moderator Job: To take care of posts and blogs and update their assigned YouTuber, help in forum and thread moderations
- Developer Job: Help the rest of the staff from the 'cody side' (Preferfably knows some html/java/any programming language. And wikitext
DarrenPaul (Head Admin) talk contribs 19:09, May 29, 2016 (UTC)